The flow meter market has a lot of room for development, but these problems must be solved
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- Time of issue:2021-10-29
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(Summary description)Theflowmeterreferstothemeterthatmeasurestheflowrateand/orthetotalamountoffluidintheselectedtimeinterval.Simplyput,itisaninstrumentusedtomeasurefluidflowinpipesoropenchannels.Asoneoftheimportantinstrumentsinindustrialmeasurement,flowmeterscanbewidelyusedinoilandgas,petrochemical,watertreatment,foodandbeverage,pharmaceutical,energy,metallurgy,pulpandpaperandconstructionmaterialsindustries.Accordingtotheactualsituationandstructuralprinciplesofcurrentflowmeterproducts,flowmeterscanberoughlydividedintodifferentialpressureflowmeters,orificeflowmeters,floatflowmeters,positivedisplacementflowmeters,sewageflowmeters,turbineflowmeters,andvortexflowmeters.Meter,electromagneticflowmeter(EMF),ultrasonicflowmeter,massflowmeter,etc.Accordingtodata,theglobalflowmetermarketin2016wasUS$4.758billion.Itisestimatedthatby2022,theglobalflowmetermarketisexpectedtoreachUS$6.065billion,withacompoundannualgrowthrateof4.13%.Therapidgrowthoftheflowmetermarketismainlyduetotheglobalgrowthofmining,petrochemical,oilrefining,foodindustry,chemicals,andpharmaceuticalindustries.Accordingtostatistics,from2007to2030,theworldneedstoinvest26trillionUSdollarsinenergyequipment.Althoughthegrowthoftheenergymarketandtechnologicalinnovationhaveopenedagoldendoorforthedevelopmentofflowmeters.Butasfarasthecurrentdomesticflowmeterindustryisconcerned,thereisstillalotofroomforimprovement.Intheglobalmarket,
The flow meter market has a lot of room for development, but these problems must be solved
(Summary description)Theflowmeterreferstothemeterthatmeasurestheflowrateand/orthetotalamountoffluidintheselectedtimeinterval.Simplyput,itisaninstrumentusedtomeasurefluidflowinpipesoropenchannels.Asoneoftheimportantinstrumentsinindustrialmeasurement,flowmeterscanbewidelyusedinoilandgas,petrochemical,watertreatment,foodandbeverage,pharmaceutical,energy,metallurgy,pulpandpaperandconstructionmaterialsindustries.Accordingtotheactualsituationandstructuralprinciplesofcurrentflowmeterproducts,flowmeterscanberoughlydividedintodifferentialpressureflowmeters,orificeflowmeters,floatflowmeters,positivedisplacementflowmeters,sewageflowmeters,turbineflowmeters,andvortexflowmeters.Meter,electromagneticflowmeter(EMF),ultrasonicflowmeter,massflowmeter,etc.Accordingtodata,theglobalflowmetermarketin2016wasUS$4.758billion.Itisestimatedthatby2022,theglobalflowmetermarketisexpectedtoreachUS$6.065billion,withacompoundannualgrowthrateof4.13%.Therapidgrowthoftheflowmetermarketismainlyduetotheglobalgrowthofmining,petrochemical,oilrefining,foodindustry,chemicals,andpharmaceuticalindustries.Accordingtostatistics,from2007to2030,theworldneedstoinvest26trillionUSdollarsinenergyequipment.Althoughthegrowthoftheenergymarketandtechnologicalinnovationhaveopenedagoldendoorforthedevelopmentofflowmeters.Butasfarasthecurrentdomesticflowmeterindustryisconcerned,thereisstillalotofroomforimprovement.Intheglobalmarket,
- Categories:Company News
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- Time of issue:2021-10-29
- Views:0
The flow meter refers to the meter that measures the flow rate and/or the total amount of fluid in the selected time interval. Simply put, it is an instrument used to measure fluid flow in pipes or open channels. As one of the important instruments in industrial measurement, flow meters can be widely used in oil and gas, petrochemical, water treatment, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, energy, metallurgy, pulp and paper and construction materials industries.
According to the actual situation and structural principles of current flow meter products, flow meters can be roughly divided into differential pressure flow meters, orifice flow meters, float flow meters, positive displacement flow meters, sewage flow meters, turbine flow meters, and vortex flow meters. Meter, electromagnetic flowmeter (EMF), ultrasonic flowmeter, mass flowmeter, etc.
According to data, the global flow meter market in 2016 was US$4.758 billion. It is estimated that by 2022, the global flow meter market is expected to reach US$6.065 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 4.13%.
The rapid growth of the flow meter market is mainly due to the global growth of mining, petrochemical, oil refining, food industry, chemicals, and pharmaceutical industries. According to statistics, from 2007 to 2030, the world needs to invest 26 trillion US dollars in energy equipment.
Although the growth of the energy market and technological innovation have opened a golden door for the development of flow meters. But as far as the current domestic flow meter industry is concerned, there is still a lot of room for improvement.
In the global market, well-known manufacturers of flow meters mainly include Emerson, Endress+Hauser, Cologne, Siemens, General Electric, etc. These companies have a long history of development and rich production experience, occupying most of the market for flow meters. . Among them, Emerson, Endress+Hauser and ABB account for nearly 50% of the market share.
In this market situation and competitive environment, on the one hand, domestic brands can only win domestic flows if they continue to improve product performance, improve manufacturing processes and product quality, and further improve the adaptability, reliability, accuracy and range ratio of flow meters. Good reputation of instrument products.
In order to improve quality, my country is also regulating the quality of flowmeter products through the formulation and release of standards. In May 2018, the "Made in Zhejiang" group standard for "Electromagnetic Flowmeter" and "Made in Zhejiang", which was led by Zhejiang Metrology Research Institute, was formally approved. On January 1, 2019, the ** standard "Gas Precession Vortex Flowmeter" drafted under the auspices of the Zhejiang Institute of Metrology was officially implemented.
On the other hand, flow meter companies must also step up the research and development of core technologies, actively cooperate with scientific research institutions, break through the core technology level of flow meters, and further improve the level of intelligence of flow meters, so that on-site operations are closer to users, simpler and more talented. In line with the future development trend of flowmeter technology.
Take gas flow meters as an example. Due to the difficulty of detection and high technical requirements, the accuracy of 0.2-level gas flow measurement is recognized by the industry as a problem in mass flow detection technology. Only a few international giants such as Emerson have successfully broken through before. The long-term monopoly of foreign technology has left domestic companies no choice when purchasing related products.
Time does not wait. For domestic flow meter companies, only by seizing the opportunities of historical development and continuously enhancing their own strength can they further promote their own development and occupy a place in the market.
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+86-13523785668(Manager Bian)
+86-18303780190(Manager Liu)
Address: East Section of South Energy Conservation Avenue, Luhuagang Turntable, Kaifeng City, Henan Province
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